We have been dealing with Clik Tile systems for over 12 months at our Airlie Beach Trade Store and Mackay Stores. Over the years we have sold and stock a large amount of Tile levelling systems and since we have taken on the Clik Tile System range we have found that these alternatives system sales have completely dried up as the Clik has totally dominated the market in our area. Once Tilers try it they claim it’s the best they have tried & will use nothing else.
Below are a couple of the main reasons why the Clik system has become the main selling levelling system in our market:
- We have sold a large amount of the Clik clips and found that they break clean ever time at the bottom of the clip, whereas a number of the other competitor’s clips will break half way up the clip therefore the tiler must remove the clip manually before grouting and this is very time consuming.
- They are very cost-effective option – whilst still making a great GP%.
- The distinctive Innovative 45-degree blades keeps the excess adhesive over flowing in the tile joint keeping the joint glue free ready for grouting. Tilers notice this and notice that this saves them time and labour to manually scrape glue out of joint compared to other systems.
- Tilers are able to use their old Raimondi wedges in the Click clips.
- The Unique horizontal bar acts as a secondary defence of any excess adhesive squirting up the joint however it also reinforces the strength of the clip & that keeps all of the vertical spacing posts secure and to make sure that both posts come out at the same time as opposed to leaving one post exposed. Once again tilers notice and know this and that’s why they love this system.
- Great service from Clik. Kosta’s service is second to none and we have always had orders delivered on time.
We highly recommend this product and we have been able to get even the most sceptical tilers over this system and once they use it they love the quality and this always draws tilers to keep coming back to our retail outlet to purchase.
Michael Lee | Store Owner
Mackay and Airlie Beach Trade Store

The Clik Tile System has been a great success with our tilers so far. We have also had a lot of success with winning competitor “Raimondi” customers over which we were never able to do previously. Unfortunately we lost a few tilers with our previous leveling system however with the new Clik system and the sample packs you offer we have won back the majority of them.
Just so you know this is the feedback from our trade base so far:
- Not having to use a gun was a big plus for the tilers, they are able to get more done faster.
- Strength of the wedge is a step above the competitors and allows them to put more pressure on the tile. This also allows them to reuse the wedge and not have to purchase new.
- Price point of the clip is very competitive, in most cases cheaper and taking into account the wedge longevity it works out a lot cheaper over time.
- The clips break in the correct spot consistently unlike our previous system.
I believe last we spoke you had a display stand in the pipeline, that should solve the only problem we have which is a way to display the product so we can pick up retails and more trade as they drop in.
The timely deliveries and service has been great as well as being able to buy an Australian made product is something we try to do as much as possible. Thank you for the service mate and look forward to bringing your product into our Enoggera store at the end of the year.
Chris Hoffmann | Store Manager
Beaumont Tiles Capalaba